What is a Question & Answer site?
A Q&A site helps your online community to share knowledge. People with questions get the answers they need. The community is enriched by commenting, voting, notifications, points and rankings.
Why offer Q&A on my site?
Your members will enjoy the interaction that Q&A enables, and will visit your site more regularly. In addition, many web searches are questions, so Q&A content will attract search engine traffic.
How do I get Q2A?
Download Question2Answer, then read how to install. Version 1.8.8 was released on July 25th, 2023. Also on GitHub.
Question2Answer is open source, licensed under GPL v2+.
Easy to set up
- Q2A takes 5 minutes (or less!) to install.
- Easy styling with CSS themes.
- Supports translation into any language.
- Custom sidebar, widgets, pages and links.
- SEO features such as XML Sitemap and neat URLs.
Core Q&A features
- Fast integrated search engine.
- Categories (up to 4 levels deep) and/or tagging.
- Voting, comments, follow-on and closed questions.
- Points-based reputation management.
- RSS, email notifications and personal news feeds.
... or integrate with existing sites
- Out-of-the-box WordPress and Joomla integration.
- Custom single sign-on support for other sites.
- Deep integration and customization via plugins.
How can I help?
Contribute via Github, create a theme, plugin or translation.