Question2Answer Plugins
To install a plugin (requires Q2A 1.3 or later), place its directory in Q2A's qa-plugin
directory, then open the Plugins section of the Admin panel and check it is listed. The plugin may also offer some options on this page.
Note that inactive & "Unknown" marked plugins doesn't necessarily mean that they do not work. Some plugins just don't require to be updated as frequently. Look for the "Tested with" tag as well to see if the author, maintainer, or its contributors, have tested their compatibility with the latest versions of Q2A as well.
Major features
- Badges Plugin by NoahY Provides user badges which recognize users' activities and achievements.
- ➔ Badges Plugin updated by Chun.
- Better Points by Arjun. Extends the default Q2A point system by adding points for giving comments, receiving comment upvotes/downvotes. Also, has an option to give points for blog/exam postings which are supported by paid plugins.
- Category Experts by Arjun. Adds a widget on Category pages showing the best performing users in that category. A good way to identify Category Experts.
- Extra Question Field by Jack Siro. Enhance your Extra Question fields with file management among other extra fields.
- Network Sites Plugin by NoahY. Allows the creation of a network of interlinked Q2A sites.
- Quizx by Transforms your question2answer forum into a community quiz.
Editors and viewers
- Code Prettifier by Amiya Sahu. Code syntax highlighting with themes, based on Google Code Prettify.
- Embed Youtube Plugin by NoahY. Converts links to YouTube videos into embedded videos when displaying questions, answers or comments.
- Express Editor by Amiya Sahu. Recent version of CKEditor bundled with Ace Editor for smooth code editing.
- Lightbox-images by Provides a Lightbox Effect for all images in posts.
- Markdown Editor by Scott Vivian of PokéBase. This plugin uses Markdown, a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor. For example
for bold text, or start a line with>
for quoting sources. - ➔ Markdown Editor with TOAST UI by awei922. This version is based off of Scott Vivian's version + tui.editor, and allows you to edit your Markdown documents using text or WYSIWYG. Screenshot here.
- ➔ awei922's version of Markdown with TUI also forked here by Fardina for Q2A 1.8.6.
- Memes for Text by Thibault Duponchelle. Post lolfaces in your answers or comments.
- Miranda Tinymcse Wrapper by Don Shakespeare. Adds Tinymcse to be used across posts as well as other text areas like messages, wall posts and is higly customizable.
- Prevent Simultaneous Edits by Prevent two users editing the same post simultaneously.
- ➔ Prevent Simultaneous Edits also forked by Jalal Jaberi.
- SCEditor Plugin by Provides SCEditor as a WYSIWYG rich text editor. Some functionality requires the Premium version.
- Shortcode Plugin by NoahY. Allows posts to be displayed with text substitutions, including support for regular expressions.
- Smilies for Text by NoahY. Allows smilies to be embedded in plain text or Markdown content.
- ➔ Smilies for Text also forked by Thibault Duponchelle to support multiboxes, add a lot of smilies and slightly improve the style.
- Syntax Highlighter by Amiya Sahu. Code syntax highlighting based on highlight.js with over 40 built-in themes.
- WYSIWYG Math Editor by Thibault Duponchelle. A CKEditor 4 editor plugin with math capabilities. Allow users to add math formulas (MathJax) in questions, answers and comments.
- ➔ Other math editors based on preview zone like SCEditor were already mentioned above.
- ➔ Also: q2a-formatter by tangruize.
- ➔ Or Google Code Prettify and MathJax from Arjun Suresh from which q2a-formatter was forked.
- [Paid] DM - Dynamic Mentions by pupi1985. Allows users to be mentioned using the @user syntax.
Integration with other products
- AddThis Social Sharing by Shows a pop-up message to encourage users to share their questions using the AddThis sharing widget.
- Amazon SES Email by Frédéric AUGUSTE. Sends outgoing emails through Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) rather than SMTP.
- BuddyPress Integration by NoahY. Basic integration with the BuddyPress social networking plugin for WordPress.
- CloudFlare User IP by InfinityLF. Get visitors' real IP address instead of the IP address of the CloudFlare proxy.
- Disqus Widget by Alain Beauvois. Allows Disqus comment threads to be embedded in any page.
- Elasticsearch Search by Vijay Sharma. Replaces Q2A's default search functionality with the Elasticsearch search engine.
- External CAS. Provides single-sign functionality for Q2A via the CAS protocol.
- External Categories and Tags by Mélanie Gauthier of Trisotech. Some modifications to enable integration with your existing database of categories and tags (in the same style as single sign-on).
- Facebook Like Box by Amiya Sahu. Basic widget for displaying a Facebook like box.
- Google Adsense Async by Georgi Stefanov @ Ganbox. Widget for displaying Google AdSense ads with asynchronous JavaScript code.
- Google Cloud Storage by Stores and serves uploaded files in Google Cloud Storage instead of the local database.
- Google Code Prettify and MathJax by Arjun. Handles the trouble of adding MathJax or CodePretiffy to Q2A.
- Google Custom Search by Arjun. Replaces Q2A's default search functionality with Google Custom Search. Useful for searching across a network of Q2A sites and also if you are using blogs in Q2A.
- Google Plus Badge by Amiya Sahu. Basic widget for displaying a Google Plus badge.
- IMAP Login by Jose Mª Bermudo Mera. Replaces the Q2A login form with authentication against an email server via IMAP.
- IP.Board User Integration by Larry Lewis. A
file to integrate with IP.Board forum software. - LDAP Login by Karl Bitz and Foivos Zakkak. Automatically logs users in to Q2A using LDAP credentials.
- Loginza Login Plugin by Dmitry Manannikov aka SLonoed. Allows logging in via Loginza, an OpenID provider which supports many social services popular in Russia and the CIS.
- Mailgun Integration by Sends outgoing emails via the Mailgun API.
- Mailing List Manager by Michael Khalili. Adds your Q2A member email addresses to your list.
- Mattermost Notifications by Andreas Scharf. Sends notifications of new questions to a Mattermost feed.
- MyBB single sign-on by Dahevos. Allows Q2A to be integrated into a MyBB forum, sharing the same user database.
- Open Login by Alex Lixandru. Log in via Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Github and many more, plus multiple logins for a single Q2A account.
- Persian Magic Words by AmirHossein Tavousi @ Question2Answer Farsi. Shows word meanings from for highlighted words.
- Proxy SSO by Larry Kluger. Lets your main website serve as a single sign-on authentication system for Q2A.
- uLogin Login Plugin by Sergey Astafev. Allows logging in via uLogin, which supports many identity providers popular in Russia.
- Use JQuery CDN by Bartosz Wojcik @ PELock. Enable the CDN (Content Delivery Network) usage for JQuery library.
- XML-RPC Server by NoahY and updated by Arjun. Allows access to Q2A sites via the XML-RPC protocol, also used by the Android client.
Additional page types
- Best Users per Month by Displays the users with the most points each month (for large sites there is a premium plugin which does not have performance issue).
- ➔ Also forked by Jalal Jaberi which supports Jalali calendar.
- Blog Post by Jack Siro. Allows registered users to maintain a blog on their Q2A site.
- Book Plugin by NoahY. Creates an HTML (or PDF) book of a site's top questions and answers.
- ➔ Also forked by Arjun which adds more question filtering options and better styling options.
- Chat Room by Scott Vivian of PokéBase. Adds a simple chat room to a Q2A site.
- Custom 404 Page by Amiya Sahu. Allows the content of the 404 (page not found) page to be customized.
- Edit History by Scott Vivian of PokéBase. Stores all edits to posts and allows users to see what changed.
- ➔ Also forked by Jalal Jaberi.
- FAQ Page by NoahY. Provides a customizable FAQs page which can include an explanation of the points system on your Q2A site.
- ➔ FAQ Page forked from NoahY's older version by gturri.
- Open Questions Plugin by Svetlin Nakov. Provides a page displaying all questions with no answers and which have not been closed.
- Polls Plugin by NoahY. Allows some questions to be created as polls.
- Print View Plugin by NoahY. Adds a simplified print view for questions.
- Statistics-page by Displays forum post statistics in a diagram.
- Top Users per Month/Week by Arjun. Functionality wise similar to Best Users per Month plugin but has better performance and also has a widget which displays best users per week. Does not require cronjob but works via MySQL scheduler which needs to be enabled on the server.
- User Activity Plus by Scott Vivian of PokéBase. Provides links on user pages to view all of the user's questions and answers.
- User History Plugin by NoahY. Adds an activity/points history to the user profile.
- Wiki Plugin by NoahY. Adds a wiki to a Q2A site.
- Category Anywhere by ZhaoGuangyue. Demo. Displays category not only sidebar but also top panel, bottom panel and so on.
- Breadcrumbs Widget by Amiya Sahu. Displays navigational breadcrumbs showing the path to the currently viewed page.
- Category Description by Arjun. Allows HTML description to be added for Categories which gets displayed on top of Category Pages.
- Feed Widget by Towhid. Lists recent items from an external RSS feed. Useful for blog posts, articles, etc...
- Logarithmic Tag Cloud by NoahY. Provides a list of tags with logarithmic size indicating popularity.
- Most Active Users by Shows a list of users who were most active in the past week or month.
- Online User Count by Ali Sayahiyan. Shows a list of users who are currently online as well as total visitors.
- ➔ Also forked here by pupi1985.
- Popular Questions by Shows a list of the most viewed questions.
- Random Question Widget by NoahY. Displays a random question in the sidebar.
- ➔ Random Question updated by ZhaoGuangyue. Demo. Displays random questions, to improve search engine coverage.
- Recent Events Widget by Displays all recent events in the sidebar or main area.
- Recent Questions Widget by Q2A Market. Shows a list of recent questions in the sidebar or other locations.
- RSS Feed Widget by Mark Bentle by Mark Bentleyy. Displays posts from an RSS feed in the sidebar.
- Simple Slider by Jack Siro. A simple image slider for the tops of pages, showing titles, descriptions and links.
- Social Share by Amiya Sahu. Adds clickable social sharing buttons below questions.
- Tab Widget by Towhid. Shows popular and recent questions in two tabs, responsive design.
- Tag List Widget by Scott Vivian of PokéBase. Displays the most popular tags in a simple list.
- Twitter Widget by Towhid. Shows recent tweets from your twitter account.
- Widget Anywhere Plugin by Scott Vivian of PokéBase. Allows custom content to be added on any page, in a variety of locations.
- Simple Ads Manager by ProThoughts. Allow you to add advertisements in listed spots. You can use Google adsense or any HTML ad code.
- ➔ Also forked by Arjun to add more options like Ads after first question hiding ads for certain user level and above etc.
- [Paid] AS - Advanced Search by pupi1985. Extends the way in which Q2A searches for posts and allows the user to get better results when searching.
User interface
- Advanced Tag Descriptions by Towhid. Add titles, icons and HTML descriptions to your tags.
- Accept Rate Plugin by NoahY. Shows the percentage of questions asked by a user which had an answer selected as the best.
- Ajax User Search by q2apro. Adds a live search box at the top of the users page to search users by username.
- Answer Hide by Arjun. Adds an option in user profile to disable answer list by default and allows viewing on button click. Useful for educational sites.
- Ask Notices Plugin by Scott Vivian of PokéBase. Displays warnings/hints for users asking questions with specific keywords.
- Ask with Tags List by Allows tags for a new question to be pre-filled using a URL parameter for the 'Ask a Question' page.
- Bookmarking Plugin by NoahY. Allows questions to be bookmarked by users.
- Closed Site by Jack Siro. Allows a Q2A site to be locked to allow in registered users only.
- Confirm Plugin by NoahY. Provides a browser warning when leaving a page in which text has been entered.
- Cool Tooltips by all your tooltips into nice black semi-transparent rounded boxes
- Featured Questions by NoahY. Allows featured questions to be kept at the top of question lists.
- Feature Question by Arjun. Allows any question to be clicked and gets added to the featured questions list which can be seen as a tab in the question lists.
- Gregorian 2 Jalali by Ali Sayahiyan @ Question2Answer Farsi. Displays dates in Jalali (Iranian) format.
- Guest-id by Gives all anonymous users that are posting in your forum a unique ID.
- Hide answer for unlogin user by ZhaoGuangyue. Demo. Only show answers for logged in users or users with enough points, to encourage registrations.
- MTL - Maximum Tag Length by pupi1985. Limits the amount of characters allowed per each question tag.
- Pretty-tags by Provides a pretty autocomplete for tags on the ask page.
- Privilege Management by NoahY. Adds a tab to user profile pages showing progress towards additional privileges.
- Private Message Adapter by Jack Siro. Adds an editor of your choice on the private message and feedback pages, including support for HTML messages.
- Question Filter by Georgi Stefanov @ Ganbox. Adds filtering of user input when asking questions, to check duplication, capitalization, etc...
- Question Numbering by Arjun. Adds numbering to questions in question listing pages.
- Quick-login by Provides a quick login field for all your users.
- RA - Random Avatar by pupi1985. Assigns new users a random avatar from a given set immediately after registering.
- Role Markers by NoahY. Adds markers to the avatars displayed for users with special privileges.
- ➔ Also forked by Zakkak.
- Social Sharing Plugin by NoahY. Adds social sharing buttons to question pages.
- Sort Answers by Amiya Sahu. Allows answers on a question page to be sorted by oldest, newest and highest voted.
- Tag Search by Arjun. Allows tags to be searched via AJAX and with auto complete.
- Tag Descriptions Plugin from the plugin tutorial. Allows tag descriptions to be shown on tag pages and in tooltips.
- Theme Switcher Plugin by NoahY and updated by Arjun. Allows users to choose their own theme on their profile page for normal as well as mobile view.
- Title Length Counter by Momin Raza. It shows the length of title below title text field.
- Top Searches by Arjun. Adds a widget to display the top searched words.
- ➔ Also have an option to display top searched tags if using Tag Search plugin.
- User Signatures Plugin by NoahY. Allows users to define a signature for all of their posts.
- ➔ Also forked here by pupi1985.
- Userinfo by Mouse over a username to display user profile information: Avatar image, account age, total points, monthly points, answers, best answers, ratio, questions posted, badges.
- Userslist-locations by Add Location to users list
- Warn on Leave by Warns users before leaving a page with text they have entered (also support WYSIWYG editor).
- [Paid] PC - Profile Customizer by pupi1985. Allows the customization of the profile page by adding additional features not present in the core, including tracking of point changes.
- [Paid] SNP - Social Network Profiles by pupi1985. Allows users to add information about social networks they are part of and share it with the community.
- [Paid] UR - User Reactions by pupi1985. Allows users to react to questions, answers and comments.
- Category Email Notifications by Pehr Johansson. Emails new questions in a category to all users who favorited that category.
- Email Formatting by Ruut Brandsma @ Ecofys. Allows HTML formatting to be used in notification emails.
- Email Notifications by Walter Williams @ Sawtooth Software. Allows users to receive notifications about new questions and answers.
- FNS - Flexible Notifications System by pupi1985. Flexible Notifications System is a plugin that allows users to receive notifications in a flexible and efficient way. Learn more
- Follow Question by
- Newsletter-favtags by can subscribe to their favorite tags and the plugin emails them daily if there are new questions.
- Newsletter Plugin by NoahY. Allows users to receive an HTML newsletter of the latest top questions, answers and comments.
- On-Site Notifications by Pop-up notifications on the page which can replace email notifications.
- Remind Users by Reminds users to complete their profile and upload an avatar within X hours after registration.
- Revised Email Notifications by Foivos Zakkak. An enhanced fork of the "Email Notifications" plugin.
- Tag and Category Notification by Amiya Sahu. When a question is asked with a tag/category, emails users who favorited that tag/category.
- Votes-manager by Lists all votes made in your forum. Sends emails to users about activities on questions they have favorited.
Anti-spam tools
- Akismet Plugin by Dave Hannon. Uses the Akismet spam filtering service to detect spammy posts and queue them for moderation.
- AntiBot Captcha by Krzysztof Kielce. Simple and easy captcha for Q2A 1.5+.
- Bootstrap reCAPTCHA by Amiya Sahu. A version of the default reCAPTCHA plugin that works well with Bootstrap-based themes.
- Q2A Honeypot by Chun. This plugin creates a simple Javascript honeypot for spam bots on Register, Ask, and Feedback pages, preventing them from auto-filling fields and completing user registration.
- KeyCAPTCHA Captcha by Andrey Gvosdev. Provides the KeyCAPTCHA captcha for Q2A.
- Logical Captcha by Amiya Sahu. Shows simple logical questions from Text CAPTCHA as a captcha challenge.
- Spammer Checker by Walter Williams @ Sawtooth Software. On IP address pages, checks and to see if the IP belong to a known spammer.
- SRS - SPAM Registration Stopper by pupi1985. SPAM Registration Stopper is a plugin that prevents highly probable SPAM user registrations based on well-known SPAM checking services. Learn more
- Stop-spam by An easy to use customizable captcha with a honeypot that keeps 99 % of the daily spam away.
Administrative tools
- Admin Plus Plugin by NoahY. Extends the admin area by allowing PHP commands to be executed. (Use with caution!)
- Batch Import Users. Batch import users from CSV files.
- ➔ Batch Import Users Updated updated and fixed by ZhaoGuangyue.
- Categorization Plugin by NoahY. Allows individual categorization of uncategorized posts via the categories admin panel.
- Change Post Owner by Allows the author of a post to be changed, or to make it anonymous.
- COMA - Configuration Manager by pupi1985. This plugin allows users to import/export and share their Q2A configuration with others. This is particularly useful when trying to identify issues with the Q2A core or plugins. Learn more
- Convert Comment to Answer by Convert a comment to an answer, optionally move the succeeding comments.
- Database Backup/Restore by Krzysztof Kielce. An admin tool for one-click backup and restore of the Q2A instance or entire database.
- Delete Hidden Posts by Amiya Sahu. Enables all hidden posts (including those with dependencies) to be deleted.
- Expert Questions by NoahY. Allows some questions to made viewable by experts only.
- FC - Fake Cron by pupi1985. Fires events after a certain amount of requests or in a time-based manner (daily, weekly, monthly). Q2A Post
- Find Text in Posts by q2apro. Allows admins to search posts for specific text and display the creator, URL and content.
- Google Analytics Plugin by Ivan. Analyze Q2A traffic with Google Analytics, optionally excluding requests from the super admin.
- Greeklish URLs by Kiourkoulis Stefanos]. Converts Greek characters in question URLs into Latin equivalents.
- List Uploads Plugin by Shows a list of uploaded images and allows unused images to be deleted.
- Permission to Categories by Kirill Fuchs. Enables minimum permissions to be defined for viewing questions in each category.
- Question Merge by NoahY. Allows questions to be merged, with answers and comments moved from one to the other.
- Search in Setting by Quan A Tran, Nam G Vu @ NTHQ Group. Searches for settings in Q2A admin pages, like Chrome search settings.
- Implementation by Adds structured markup to pages to allow deeper information on questions and answers to be shown on search engine results pages.
- SEO Links by Towhid. Make internal links "dofollow" and change "relation" attribute of other sites to pass SEO juice to them.
- SEO Meta Tags by Dave Hannon. Uses meta robots tags to exclude some pages with duplicate content from search engines. Also forked here by pupi1985.
- Tagging Tools Plugin by Scott Vivian of PokéBase. Allows admins to set tag synonyms so that unwanted or duplicate tags are changed or removed. Can also prevent low reputation users from creating new tags.
- Translator by Pedja Supurovic. Allows translations to be created online through pages in the administration interface.
- Webmaster Tools by Towhid. Reports include server info and memory usage, SEO analysis, security warnings.
- Quick-edit by Update all question titles and tags quickly on one page and save hours of time.
- Ultimate SEO by Towhid. Enhances Question2Answer for better search engine optimization and offers valuable customization features.
- ➔ Also forked here by pupi1985.
- Uploadmanager by A complete upload manager for question2answer with upload details and image rotate features.
- Userstatistics by A complete user statistic with detailed points per post and thumbs and more.
- Votes-manager by Lists all votes made in your forum.
- [Paid] BCG - Bulk Content Generator by pupi1985. Allows admins to generate large amounts of content on their sites simply by uploading files (.xls, .xlsx, .ods, among other file formats).
- [Paid] JABP - Just A Bump Plugin by pupi1985. Allows users to bump questions sending them to the top of the All activity section.
- [Paid] TUB - Temporary User Block by pupi1985. Allows users to be blocked for a period of time and then be automatically unblocked.
For older versions of Q2A
- Ajax Comment Form by NoahY. Display and submits dynamically loaded comment forms without refreshing the page, for Q2A versions prior to 1.5.
- Comment Voting Plugin by NoahY. Allows comments to be voted on, similarly to questions and answers.
- Question Closing by NoahY. Allows questions to be closed in Q2A 1.4.x.
Click for documentation on creating Q2A plugins (requires PHP programming).