Process Modules

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A process module (requires Q2A 1.5+) can perform any task at specific stages of Q2A's response processing. For example, process modules could provide logging, implement a page cache, change database settings, or perform extra user authentication.

The PHP class for a process module can define one or more of the following functions (all are optional):

  • init_ajax() will be called at the start of an Ajax request, immediately after Q2A has initialized.

  • init_blob() will be called at the start of a request to retrieve a binary object, immediately after Q2A has initialized.

  • init_feed() will be called at the start of a request for an RSS feed, immediately after Q2A has initialized.

  • init_image() will be called at the start of a request for an image/avatar, immediately after Q2A has initialized.

  • init_install() will be called at the start of the install process, due either to a database error or a manual request.

  • init_page() will be called at the start of a request for a web page, immediately after Q2A has initialized. Note plugins initialized using the after_db_init load order (see metadata.json file) will not have this function called

  • plugins_loaded() will be called immediately after all plugins are loaded, including the ones that are initialized with the after_db_init load order (see metadata.json file)

  • db_connected() will be called immediately after Q2A connects to the database for the first time. Note plugins initialized with the after_db_init load order (see metadata.json file) will not have this function called

  • db_disconnect() will be called immediately before Q2A disconnects from the database.

  • shutdown($reason) will be called at the end of Q2A's response processing. The $reason parameter will be 'error' if an error occurred, 'redirect' if there was a redirection, otherwise it will be null. More values may be added in future.

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