This theme is no longer available!

What is MobileX?
MobileX is a carefully thought Material Design theme for the open source Question2Answer platform.
Question2Answer, or abbreviated Q2A, is a Content Management System that allows Webmasters to build Q&A communities,
in which users can either ask or answer questions from other members of the community.

Mobile Dedicated Theme
After all, not everyone has good internet connections or a fast cellphone, so things will be as minimal as possible, to reduce resource requests, while keeping things clear and straight to the point.
With this in mind, it was only smart to remove the Sidebar, not only to reduce resources but also because it becomes obstructive with the flow of things for a better user experience.

Carefully Thought
Every step of its development was carefully thought and perfected to improve the feels and needs for a better user experience.
The theme was created like an App, with motions that focus our attention and maintain continuity through subtle feedback and coherent transitions.