Question2Answer Plugins

To install a plugin (requires Q2A 1.3 or later), place its directory in Q2A’s qa-plugin directory, then open the Plugins section of the Admin panel and check it is listed. The plugin may also offer some options on this page.

Major features

  • Badges Plugin by NoahY - Updated by Chun. Provides user badges which recognize users’ activities and achievements.
  • Better Points by Arjun. Extends the default Q2A point system by adding points for giving comments, receiving comment upvotes/downvotes. Also, has an option to give points for blog/exam postings which are supported by paid plugins.
  • Category Experts by Arjun. Adds a widget on Category pages showing the best performing users in that category. A good way to identify Category Experts.
  • Extra Question Field by JacksiroKe. Enhance your Extra Question fields with file management among other extra fields.
  • Network Sites Plugin by NoahY. Allows the creation of a network of interlinked Q2A sites.
  • Quizx by your question2answer forum into a community quiz.

Editors and viewers

Integration with other products

Additional page types


  • [Paid] AS - Advanced Search by pupil985.Extends the way in which Q2A searches for posts and allows the user to get better results when searching.

User interface


Anti-spam tools

Administrative tools

For older versions of Q2A

Click for documentation on creating Q2A plugins (requires PHP programming).