Selected functions in Question2Answer

Your external code and plugins are free to use any of the 700+ functions defined within Q2A. When developing new versions of Q2A, the utmost effort is made to keep its functions backwards compatible, so that code using these functions continues to work. For example, new parameters added to existing functions are always optional. Any breaks in backwards compatibility are documented in the version history.

A selected of the most useful functions are described below, grouped by the PHP file in the qa-include directory in which they appear. With the exception of qa-base.php, which is loaded first, you must include a file as follows before using its functions:

require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'qa-XYZ.php';

Many of these functions take optional additional parameters which are not shown here - please consult the source code for details. Functions which are not marked with a version number are available from Q2A 1.3 or later.

General functions in qa-base.php

  • qa_exit($reason) calls the shutdown() method of any installed process modules, passing the supplied $reason. Then it terminates execution of the PHP script with PHP’s exit; command. Requires Q2A 1.5+.
  • qa_fatal_error($message) outputs and logs $message, then calls qa_exit('error'); to terminate execution.
  • qa_list_modules($type) returns an array containing the names of all installed modules of type $type.
  • qa_load_module($type, $name) returns an object belonging to the class defined in module $name of type $type, or null if it cannot be loaded. You can use this to communicate between multiple modules within a plugin, or between different plugins. Note that multiple calls to qa_load_module() with the same $type and $name will return the same object.
  • qa_load_modules_with($type, $method) returns an array of objects for the installed modules of type $type which have $method defined. Requires Q2A 1.5+. For example, $modules=qa_load_modules_with('page', 'match_request');
  • qa_html($string) returns $string escaped for output in HTML, e.g. mapping " to the " entity. If the optional second parameter $multiline is set to true, newlines and tabs in $string are also converted to the appropriate HTML representation.
  • qa_sanitize_html($html, $linksnewwindow) returns $html after ensuring it is clear of Javascript and other possible security issues. It should be used to make the HTML provided by one user (e.g. in an editor module) safe for display to other users. If $linksnewwindow is true, then any links in the HTML will be modified to open in a new window.
  • qa_xml($string) returns $string escaped for output in XML. Requires Q2A 1.6+.
  • qa_js($value) returns $value escaped for output in Javascript, including putting strings in quotes.
  • qa_request() returns the Q2A page being requested, e.g. 'tag/urgent'. It uses slash separators, independent of the URL scheme chosen. qa_request_part($part) divides the request using slashes, and returns the part indexed by $part>=0, or null if that part does not exist. qa_request_parts() returns an array of request parts. All require Q2A 1.5+.
  • qa_get($field) returns the value of URL parameter $field (from $_GET in PHP) or null if it was not present.
  • qa_post_text($field) returns the value of the POSTed $field, trimmed with \n line endings, or null if not present.
  • qa_clicked($name) returns true if the form button named $name was clicked to POST a form.
  • qa_remote_ip_address() returns the IP address making the current request, or null if unavailable. Requires Q2A 1.4.1+.
  • qa_is_http_post() returns whether Q2A is currently responding to an HTTP POST request, e.g. a form submission.
  • qa_is_https_probably() returns whether the current request is using the HTTPS protocol. It is hard to determine this absolutely.
  • qa_is_human_probably() returns true if the current request appears to be from a person using a web browser, rather than a search engine bot or automated script. This assessment is based on the HTTP user agent containing a known string such as MSIE or Firefox. Note that it is perfectly possible for a malicious bot or script to masquerade as a web browser.
  • qa_is_mobile_probably() returns true if the current request appears to be from a mobile phone. This assessment is based on the presence of mobile HTTP headers or the HTTP user agent containing a mobile identifying string. Requires Q2A 1.5+.
  • qa_lang($identifier) and qa_lang_html($identifier) return a localized language phrase from the appropriate qa-lang-*.php file. For example, qa_lang('main/cancel_button') would return the phrase with key 'cancel_button' from the file qa-lang-main.php. The phrase returned by qa_lang_html() is escaped for output in HTML. From Q2A 1.5+, language files can also be registered by plugins and then accessed via these functions.
  • qa_path_to_root() returns the URL to the root of the Q2A site, relative to the currently requested page. Requires Q2A 1.5+.
  • qa_path($request) returns the URL for Q2A page $request, relative to the currently requested page. You can also call qa_path($request, $params) to add GET-style parameters to the URL, where $params is an array of parameter name => parameter value, not yet urlencoded. To ensure compatibility with different Q2A URL structures, please use this (or a related qa_path_*() function to build URLs instead of hard-coding their structure.
  • qa_path_html($request) and qa_path_html($request, $params) return the URL for Q2A page $request (with optional $params), relative to the currently requested page, escaped for output in HTML. Usage example:

    echo '<a href="'.qa_path_html('search', array('q' => 'reset password')).'">Resetting Password<A>';

  • qa_path_absolute($request) and qa_path_absolute($request, $params) return the absolute URL for Q2A page $request (with optional $params). Requires Q2A 1.6+.
  • qa_q_path($questionid, $title, $absolute, $showtype, $showid) and qa_q_path_html(...) return the URL for question $questionid which has $title as its title. If $absolute is true, this will be an absolute URL, otherwise it will be relative to the currently requested page. To link to a particular answer or comment within that question page, pass 'A' or 'C' as the $showtype and the postid of the answer or comment in $showid. Otherwise, pass null or omit these last two parameters. The URL returned by qa_q_path_html() is escaped for output in HTML. Requires Q2A 1.5+.
  • qa_self_html() returns the relative URL for the current Q2A page, preserving URL parameters, escaped for output in HTML. It is particularly useful for creating form tags, e.g. echo '<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="'.qa_self_html().'">';
  • qa_redirect($request) and qa_redirect($request, $params) perform an HTTP redirect to a Q2A page, specified in the same way as the parameters to qa_path().
  • qa_redirect_raw($url) performs an HTTP redirect to $url, without processing the URL in any way. Generally you should use qa_redirect() however this function can be useful for login modules.
  • qa_retrieve_url($url) returns the content of remote $url, using PHP’s file_get_contents() or curl functions.
  • qa_opt($name) gets the value of the option labelled $name from Q2A’s internal options storage.
  • qa_opt($name, $value) sets the option labelled $name to $value in Q2A’s internal options storage. To prevent interference with Q2A or other plugins, your options should be named using a prefix which is unique to your plugin. Do not use this to store large pieces of content, since all options are retrieved for every Q2A page request - instead, look at app/blobs.php.
  • qa_suspend_event_reports($suspend) suspends the reporting of events to event modules if $suspend is true, and reinstates it if $suspend is false. This might be useful if you are programmatically creating or modifying a lot of content or other database information, and want to prevent logging and other inappropriate responses to these events.
  • qa_report_event($event, $userid, $handle, $cookieid, $params) reports an event to all event modules registered by plugins. The five parameters are passed straight through to the process_event() function in each event module.

Database access in qa-db.php

  • qa_db_connection() returns the connection to the Q2A database, for use with PHP’s mysql_query() function and the like.
  • qa_db_query_raw($query) runs the raw SQL in $query on the Q2A database and returns a PHP result resource. Note that if the query fails due to a MySQL error, Q2A will stop normal execution and start checking the database for problems.
  • qa_db_escape_string($string) returns $string escaped for safe inclusion in raw SQL.
  • qa_db_query_sub($query, ...) runs the SQL in $query on the Q2A database after substituting the symbols ^, # and $, returning a PHP result resource. This function is the recommended way to run queries on the Q2A database, and automatically escapes all substituted parameters for safe SQL. The ^ symbol is substituted for the appropriate Q2A table prefix set in qa-config.php, which is qa_ by default. The # and $ symbols are substituted for numerical and UTF-8 string values respectively, where these values are taken in order from the additional parameters to the function. If you want to retrieve the text from UTF-8 encoded columns from the database, you should use the BINARY modifier in front of the column name in your SQL, since Q2A does not explicitly set the character set of the database connection. Note that if the query fails due to a MySQL error, Q2A will stop normal execution and start checking the database for problems.
  • qa_db_single_select($selectspec) reads and returns data from the database based on the $selectspec parameter. The $selectspec parameter defines the columns to be retrieved, the source tables and constraints, arguments for substitution, and the ordering and formatting of the results. It is documented in full in qa-db.php and you can see many examples in db/selects.php.
  • qa_db_multi_select($selectspecs) reads and returns data from the database for multiple $selectspecs simultaneously. Depending on the QA_OPTIMIZE_*_DB settings in qa-config.php, these may be executed as multiple SQL queries, or as a single query whose output is pulled apart within PHP. The keys of the data in the returned array match those of the $selectspecs parameter.
  • qa_db_read_all_assoc($result) takes the PHP result resource $result returned from a database query, and returns all the resulting data in a nested array. The outer array contains one array element per data row, with keys numbered from zero. Each inner array contains one element per data column, with column names in the keys.
  • qa_db_read_one_assoc($result, $allowempty) returns an array containing the first row in the PHP $result resource, with named columns. Set $allowempty to true if an empty result should not cause a fatal Q2A error.
  • qa_db_read_all_values($result) returns an array containing the first column from each row in the PHP $result resource.
  • qa_db_read_one_value($result, $allowempty) returns the first column of the first row in the PHP $result resource. Set $allowempty to true if an empty result should not cause a fatal Q2A error.
  • qa_suspend_update_counts($suspend) suspends the updating of various cached counts in the database if $suspend is true, and reinstates it if $suspend is false. This might be useful if you are programmatically creating or modifying a lot of content or other database information, and want to speed up the process. Once you have finished with the database modifications, you should use the buttons at the bottom of the ‘Stats’ page of the ‘Admin’ panel to recalculate all counts.
  • qa_cookie_get() returns a string which identifies the user (not necessarily logged in) making the current Q2A request, if one is available from a browser cookie. Otherwise, it returns null.
  • qa_cookie_get_create() works like qa_cookie_get(), but if a cookie is not available, a new one is created, set in the user’s browser, and returned from the function.

Sending notifications in app/emails.php

  • qa_send_notification($userid, $email, $handle, $subject, $body, $subs) sends an email to user $userid. You can provide the user’s $email and/or $handle, or pass null for Q2A to retrieve these from the database. Several substitutions are performed on the $subject and $body. For example ^site_title will be replaced by the name of the Q2A site set in the admin interface, and ^handle and ^email will be replaced by the recipient’s handle or email. You can also pass additional substitutions in the array parameter $subs - each key in $subs will be substituted for its corresponding value.
  • qa_suspend_notifications($suspend) suspends the sending of notifications to users if $suspend is true, or reinstates it if $suspend is false. This might be useful if you are programmatically creating or modifying content or other database information and want to avoid sending inappropriate emails.
  • qa_send_email($params) sends an email as specified by the array $params and returns whether the operation was successful from the server’s perspective (this does not guarantee delivery). The $params array should contain the elements 'fromemail' (sender email), 'fromname' (sender name), 'toemail' (recipient email), 'toname' (recipient name), 'subject' (subject line), 'body' (UTF-8 encoded email body) and 'html' (true if $params['body'] is HTML-formatted, false otherwise).

Option management in app/options.php

  • qa_get_options($names) returns an array mapping all the options in the $names array to their values. This may be easier than calling qa_opt() from qa-base.php many times.
  • qa_using_tags() and qa_using_categories() respectively return whether Q2A is using tags or categories to classify questions. Note that it is possible to use both tags and categories simultaneously, or to use neither.

Post management in app/posts.php and app/post-create.php

Note that all qa_post_...() functions will send the appropriate email notifications and event reports, as well as update database indexes and counts. This can be prevented with the qa_suspend...() functions, described elsewhere on this page.

  • qa_post_create($type, $parentpostid, $title, $content, $format, $categoryid, $tags, $userid) creates a new post in the database, and returns its postid. Set $type to 'Q' for a new question, 'A' for an answer, or 'C' for a comment. To queue the post for moderation (requires Q2A 1.5+), set $type to 'Q_QUEUED', 'A_QUEUED', or 'C_QUEUED'. For questions, set $parentpostid to the postid of the answer to which the question is related, or null if (as in most cases) the question is not related to an answer. For answers, set $parentpostid to the postid of the question being answered. For comments, set $parentpostid to the postid of the question or answer to which the comment relates. The $content and $format parameters go together - if $format is '' then $content should be in plain UTF-8 text, and if $format is 'html' then $content should be in UTF-8 HTML. Other values of $format may be allowed if an appropriate viewer module is installed. The $title, $categoryid and $tags parameters are only relevant when creating a question - $tags can either be an array of tags, or a string of tags separated by commas. The new post will be assigned to $userid if it is not null, otherwise it will be anonymous. Additional optional parameters set notification, extra question fields and names on anonymous posts.
  • qa_post_set_content($postid, $title, $content, $format, $tags) changes the data stored for post $postid based on any of the $title, $content, $format and $tags parameters passed which are not null. The meaning of these parameters is the same as for qa_post_create() above. Additional optional parameters allow changes to post notification, extra question fields, names on anonymous posts and can identify the user who made the change.
  • qa_post_set_category($postid, $categoryid) changes the category of $postid to $categoryid. The category of all related posts (shown together on the same question page) will also be changed.
  • qa_post_set_selchildid($questionid, $answerid) sets the selected best answer of $questionid to $answerid (or to none if $answerid is null).
  • qa_post_set_closed($questionid, $closed, $originalpostid, $note) closes $questionid if $closed is true, otherwises it reopens it (requires Q2A 1.5+). If $closed is true, pass either the $originalpostid of the question that it is a duplicate of, or a $note to explain why it’s closed. The other parameter should be set to null.
  • qa_post_set_hidden($postid, $hidden) hides $postid if $hidden is true, otherwise it shows the post. If the post is waiting for moderator approval (Q2A 1.5+), $hidden=true rejects the post, and $hidden=false approves it.
  • qa_post_set_status($postid, $status) changes the status of $postid, where $status is one of QA_POST_STATUS_NORMAL, QA_POST_STATUS_HIDDEN or QA_POST_STATUS_QUEUED. Requires Q2A 1.6+.
  • qa_post_delete($postid) deletes $postid from the database, hiding it first if appropriate.
  • qa_post_get_full($postid) retrieves the full information from the database for $postid, returning it in an array.
  • qa_suspend_post_indexing($suspend) suspends the indexing (and unindexing) of posts in the database if $suspend is true, and reinstates it if $suspend is false. This might be useful if you are programmatically creating or modifying a lot of content, and want to speed up the process, leaving Q2A’s search results out of date. Once you have finished with the database modifications, you should use the button at the bottom of the ‘Stats’ page of the ‘Admin’ panel to reindex all posts.

User management in app/users.php

  • qa_get_logged_in_userid() returns the userid of the currently logged in Q2A user, or null if no user is logged in.
  • qa_get_logged_in_handle() returns the handle/username of the currently logged in user, or null if no user is logged in.
  • qa_get_logged_in_email() returns the email address of the currently logged in user, or null if no user is logged in.
  • qa_get_logged_in_flags() returns flags for the currently logged in user, or null if no user is logged in. The flag bit masks are defined in the QA_USER_FLAGS_* constants at the top of app/users.php. If the QA_USER_FLAGS_USER_BLOCKED or QA_USER_FLAGS_MUST_CONFIRM (Q2A 1.5+) or QA_USER_FLAGS_MUST_APPROVE (Q2A 1.6+) bit is set, the user should be prevented from performing any actions that modify information in the database.
  • qa_get_logged_in_level() returns a number representing the privilege level of the currently logged in user, or null if no user is logged in. You can compare this against the QA_USER_LEVEL_* constants defined at the top of app/users.php.
  • qa_get_logged_in_points() returns the points of the currently logged in user, or null if no user is logged in.
  • qa_is_logged_in() returns true if a user is logged in, false otherwise. Requires Q2A 1.5+.
  • qa_handle_to_userid($handle) returns the userid for the user identified by $handle or null if no user matches. This requires Q2A 1.6+, but see also qa_handles_to_userids(...) and qa_userids_to_handles(...) which were added in Q2A 1.5.
  • qa_user_level_for_post($post) returns the privilege level of the current user for $post, which contains information about a post retrieved from the database (e.g. via qa_post_get_full(...) in app/posts.php). This can be higher than the level returned by qa_get_logged_in_level(...) if the user has special privileges in the post’s category. Requires Q2A 1.6+.
  • qa_user_moderation_reason() returns whether the current user should have their new content queued for moderation. If moderation is required, one of the strings 'login', 'approve' (Q2A 1.6+), 'confirm' or 'points' will be returned, with meanings explained in the function’s documentation. If moderation is not required, the function returns false. Requires Q2A 1.5+.
  • qa_get_form_security_code($action) can be used to prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks on your forms. Pass an arbitrary string specific to your form in $action and this function returns a code which should be placed in a hidden field in your form. Then call qa_check_form_security_code($action, $value) when your form is submitted, with the same $action as before, and the $value obtained from the hidden field. If $value is valid and the request is safe, the function returns true. Otherwise, it returns false and logs the reason for the mismatch in your server’s error_log file, if the reason is suspicious. Requires Q2A 1.6+.
  • qa_get_avatar_blob_url($blobId, $size, $absolute) returns the URL to the given $blobId constraining it in width and height to the given $size. Requires Q2A 1.8+.
  • qa_get_gravatar_url($email, $size) returns the URL for the Gravatar corresponding to $email, constrained to the given $size. Requires Q2A 1.8+.
  • qa_get_user_avatar_source($flags, $email, $blobId) returns where the avatar will be fetched from for the given user $flags. The possible return values are 'gravatar' for an avatar that will be fetched from Gravatar, 'local-user' for an avatar fetched locally from the user’s profile, 'local-default' for an avatar fetched locally from the default avatar blob ID, and NULL if the avatar could not be fetched from any of these sources. Requires Q2A 1.8+.
  • qa_get_user_avatar_url($flags, $email, $blobId, $size, $absolute) returns the avatar URL, either from Gravatar or from the given $blobId, constrained to $size pixels. Requires Q2A 1.8+.

Large object management in app/blobs.php

  • qa_create_blob($content, $format) creates a new binary large object (BLOB) in the Q2A database or on disk and returns its $blobid, or null upon failure. The $content may contain up to 16 Mb of arbitrary data in any format, and the $format should contain the appropriate corresponding file extension, e.g. 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'txt', 'doc', 'xls', 'pdf'. This function was added in Q2A 1.6. For earlier versions of Q2A, use qa_db_blob_create(...) in db/blobs.php.
  • qa_read_blob($blobid) reads the object identified by $blobid from the database or disk and returns it in an array with the keys 'content' and 'format'. If the BLOB does not exist, it returns null instead. This function was added in Q2A 1.6. For earlier versions of Q2A, use qa_db_blob_read(...) in db/blobs.php.
  • qa_delete_blob($blobid) deletes the object identified by $blobid from the database, if it exists. This function was added in Q2A 1.6. For earlier versions of Q2A, use qa_db_blob_delete(...) in db/blobs.php.
  • qa_blob_exists($blobid) returns whether there is an object identified by $blobid. This function was added in Q2A 1.6. For earlier versions of Q2A, use qa_db_blob_exists(...) in db/blobs.php.
  • qa_get_blob_url($blobid, $absolute) returns a URL which can be used to view or download $blobid. If $absolute is false, this URL will be relative to the current Q2A page being requested, otherwise the URL will be absolute.

Upload management in app/upload.php (Q2A 1.6+)

  • qa_get_max_upload_size() returns the maximum size in bytes of a BLOB that can be uploaded by a user, taking into account database constraints and PHP’s upload_max_filesize parameter.
  • qa_upload_file($localfilename, $sourcefilename) allows a file to be uploaded into Q2A’s BLOB (large object) storage. Pass the $localfilename where the file is currently stored on the server (temporarily) and the $sourcefilename of the original file on the user’s computer. If you are using PHP’s usual file upload mechanism, these are obtained from $_FILES[..]['tmp_name'] and $_FILES[..]['name'] respectively. Additional parameters allow the upload to be restricted by size or to images only, and for images to be scaled. If an error occurred, the function returns an array with key 'error' containing the error string. Otherwise it returns an array with an element 'blobid' containing the id of the BLOB created and 'bloburl' containing the URL that can be used to view or download the blob.
  • qa_upload_file_one() uploads a file into Q2A’s BLOB (large object) storage, taking the first element of PHP’s $_FILES array automatically. It returns the same array of elements as qa_upload_file().

Metadata management in db/metas.php (Q2A 1.5+)

  • qa_db_usermeta_set($userid, $key, $value) sets metadata $key for user $userid to $value. Each user can only have a single piece of metadata with a particular key. Keys beginning with qa_ are reserved for the Q2A core.
  • qa_db_usermeta_clear($userid, $key) clears metadata $key for user $userid. An array of keys can also be passed in $key, in which case the metadata for every key is removed.
  • qa_db_usermeta_get($userid, $key) returns the value of metadata $key for user $userid, or null if none exists. An array of keys can also be passed in $key, in which case an array is returned which maps metadata keys to values.
  • The corresponding functions qa_db_postmeta_set($postid, $key, $value), qa_db_postmeta_clear($postid, $key) and qa_db_postmeta_get($postid, $key) work the same way for metadata on individual posts.
  • The functions qa_db_categorymeta_set($categoryid, $key, $value), qa_db_categorymeta_clear($categoryid, $key) and qa_db_categorymeta_get($categoryid, $key) work the same way for metadata on categories.
  • The functions qa_db_tagmeta_set($tag, $key, $value), qa_db_tagmeta_clear($tag, $key) and qa_db_tagmeta_get($tag, $key) work the same way for metadata on tags, where $tag is the text of a tag.

User notice management in db/notices.php (Q2A 1.5+)

  • qa_db_usernotice_create($userid, $content, $format, $tags) creates a new notice to be displayed to user $userid and returns its noticeid. The notice will appear at the top of every page until the user dismisses it - this also deletes it from the database. The $content and $format parameters describe the content of the notice together - if $format is '' then $content should be in plain UTF-8 text, and if $format is 'html' then $content should be in UTF-8 HTML. You can use the $tags parameter to add some additional information to the notice which is stored in the database but not displayed to the user.
  • qa_db_usernotice_delete($userid, $noticeid) deletes notice $noticeid for user $userid, if it exists in the database.
  • qa_db_usernotices_list($userid) returns a nested array describing the notices which are being stored and displayed for user $userid. Each element in the returned array contains an array with three labelled values - 'noticeid', 'tags' (as passed when the notice was created) and 'created' (a Unix timestamp of the notice creation time).

Array manipulation in util/sort.php

  • qa_sort_by(&$array, $by1) sorts the nested array $array in place, by comparing the sub-element with key $by1 of each inner array within $array. For example, if $array=array(array('n'=>1,'w'=>'dog'), array('n'=>2,'w'=>'cat')) then qa_sort_by(&$array, 'n') would leave $array unchanged, whereas qa_sort_by(&$array, 'w') would reverse its order. An additional parameter $by2 can also be passed, to allow an additional comparison in cases where the first key matches.
  • qa_array_insert(&$array, $beforekey, $addelements) inserts all the elements from the array $addelements into $array, preserving all keys in both arrays. The new elements are positioned together before key $beforekey in $array and their order is preserved. If $beforekey cannot be found in $array, the elements are appended at the end instead. Requires Q2A 1.4.2+.
  • qa_array_reorder(...) allows some of the elements within an array to be moved together and/or reordered relative to each other. Please see the source code for documentation. Requires Q2A 1.6+.

String manipulation in util/string.php

  • qa_string_to_words($string) breaks $string up into words, and returns them in lower case in an array. The function contains several additional parameters that provide more control over this process - please see the source code.
  • qa_string_remove_accents($string) returns $string with Roman accents removed, e.g. mêlée to melee. Requires Q2A 1.4+.
  • qa_tags_to_tagstring($tags) takes an array of tags, and returns the string to be stored for those tags in the database.
  • qa_tagstring_to_tags($tags) takes a list of tags from the database, and returns it as an array of tags.
  • qa_shorten_string_line($string, $length) converts $string to a single line then removes words from the middle in order to make the total number of characters no more than $length. Useful for tooltips, etc…
  • qa_block_words_replace($string, $wordspreg) replaces any words in $string censored by the site administrator with asterisks. Pass the output of qa_get_block_words_preg() (from app/options.php) in the $wordspreg parameter.
  • qa_strlen($string), qa_strtolower($string) and qa_substr($string, $start, $length) are wrappers for the standard and multibyte PHP string functions with similar names. If PHP was compiled with multibyte string support, PHP’s mb_*(...) functions will be used with UTF-8 as the encoding for the $string parameter. Otherwise $string will be treated as ASCII.