Making Question2Answer extra secure
So long as your web server is configured correctly, Question2Answer will not reveal anything inappropriate to visitors of the site, or compromise your data. It prevents SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF) and form spoofing attacks by checking and/or escaping all user input as appropriate. In order to be extra secure, you may wish to take the following additional steps after installation:
Upgrade to the latest version of PHP. Newer versions may contain security fixes that have not been backported to older, unsupported versions.
Remove the
file inside theqa-include
directory of your Question2Answer installation. If for some reason your MySQL database is lost or corrupted, this prevents normal users from being able to create a new database or repair tables. -
Move the
file to a location which is outside any directory served by your web server. Then create a newqa-config.php
file in its place which references the old file using the require PHP function. If your web server were to become misconfigured and start serving the raw code in.php
files, this would ensure that your MySQL details remain hidden. -
Set up a regular backup schedule for the MySQL database used by Question2Answer. This will enable you to recover your site’s content if the database becomes corrupted, e.g. due to a catastrophic disk failure. To save space and time, you need not back up the following tables:
qa_cache qa_contentwords qa_iplimits qa_posttags qa_sharedevents qa_tagwords qa_titlewords qa_userevents qa_userlimits qa_words
These contain information which is temporary or which can be recalculated from other tables in the database. After restoring from a backup, Q2A will automatically offer to recreate these tables, after which you should click each of the ‘Recalculate’-style buttons at the bottom of the ‘Stats’ page of the ‘Admin’ panel.